Flame Crested Gecko: Care Guide For This Color Morph

If you're a reptile enthusiast looking to add some fiery charm to your collection, then the might just be the perfect addition for you. This captivating color morph of the popular species is a sight to behold with its vibrant hues and distinctive patterns. In this comprehensive care guide, we'll delve into the world of Flame Crested Geckos, exploring their unique characteristics, habitat requirements, and essential tips for their well-being.

When it comes to reptiles, the Flame Crested Gecko is a true showstopper. With its mesmerizing colors reminiscent of flickering flames, this gecko is sure to be the star of any collection. From brilliant oranges and reds to deep shades of black, their colorful patterns are a testament to the wonders of nature. But it's not just their striking appearance that sets them apart. Flame Crested Geckos are also known for their docile nature and ease of care, making them an ideal pet for both beginners and experienced reptile enthusiasts.

In this care guide, we'll cover all the essentials you need to know to provide a happy and healthy life for your Flame Crested Gecko. From setting up the perfect habitat to feeding and handling tips, we'll guide you through every step of the way. So, get ready to embark on a journey into the captivating world of Flame Crested Geckos and discover why these fiery reptiles are stealing the hearts of reptile lovers everywhere.

Flame Crested Gecko: Care Guide for this Color Morph

Flame Crested Gecko: Care Guide for this Color Morph

This gecko is a favorite among reptile enthusiasts. In this care guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about caring for a flame-crested gecko, from their habitat requirements to their dietary needs.


When setting up a habitat for your flame-crested gecko, it's important to recreate their natural environment as closely as possible. These geckos are native to the rainforests of New Caledonia, so they require a warm and humid environment. A glass terrarium is the best choice for housing a flame-crested gecko, as it provides good ventilation and allows for easy observation of your pet.

The terrarium should be equipped with plenty of hiding spots and climbing branches. Live plants, such as pothos or bromeliads, can also be added to create a natural and visually appealing habitat. Make sure to include a shallow water dish for drinking and mist the enclosure daily to maintain humidity levels.

Temperature and Lighting

Flame-crested geckos thrive in temperatures between 72-78°F (22-25°C) during the day and slightly cooler temperatures of 68-72°F (20-22°C) at night. It's important to provide a temperature gradient within the enclosure, so your gecko can regulate its body temperature by moving between warmer and cooler areas.

You can achieve this by using a low-wattage heat lamp or a heat mat placed on one side of the terrarium. Monitor the temperature using a digital thermometer to ensure it remains within the appropriate range. Additionally, a UVB light should be provided for 10-12 hours a day to aid in calcium absorption and overall health.


Flame-crested geckos are primarily insectivores, but they also consume fruit and nectar in the wild. In captivity, their diet should consist of a variety of live insects, such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. These insects should be dusted with a calcium supplement before feeding to ensure your gecko receives the necessary nutrients.

In addition to insects, you can offer your flame-crested gecko a specialized crested gecko diet, which is a powdered mix that can be mixed with water to create a paste. This diet provides a balanced nutrition for your gecko and should be offered 2-3 times a week. Fresh fruit can also be offered as an occasional treat.

Handling and Care

When it comes to handling your flame crested gecko, it's important to be gentle and avoid excessive stress. These geckos have delicate skin that can tear easily, so it's best to let them come to you rather than forcefully picking them up. You should also wash your hands before and after handling to prevent the transfer of any bacteria or chemicals.

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Regular maintenance of the enclosure is essential for the health and well-being of your gecko. This includes cleaning the water dish and removing any uneaten food or feces. The substrate should be spot cleaned regularly and completely replaced every few months to prevent the buildup of bacteria.

In conclusion, caring for a flame-crested gecko requires attention to detail and a commitment to providing suitable habitat and diet. By following these care guidelines, you can ensure that your flame crested gecko thrives and remains a beautiful addition to your reptile collection. Remember to always research and consult with experts to provide the best care possible for your pet gecko.

Key Takeaways: Flame Crested Gecko Care Guide for this Color Morph

  • Flame Crested Geckos are unique reptiles known for their vibrant orange and red coloration.
  • They require a terrarium with proper temperature and humidity levels to thrive.
  • Feeding them a balanced diet of insects and fruit-based meal replacement powders is essential for their health.
  • Regular handling can help build trust and create a bond with your gecko.
  • Providing hiding spots and vertical climbing structures in their habitat is important for their natural behaviors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Flame Crested Gecko color morph?

The Flame Crested Gecko is a specific color morph of the popular pet reptile, the Crested Gecko. This particular morph is characterized by its vibrant orange and red colors, resembling flames. It is highly sought after by reptile enthusiasts due to its stunning appearance.

Flame Crested Geckos are bred selectively to enhance the intensity and consistency of their coloring. Breeders carefully choose geckos with bright orange and red hues, and through generations of selective breeding, they have created the Flame Crested Gecko morph.

2. How should I set up the enclosure for a Flame Crested Gecko?

Creating the right environment for your Flame Crested Gecko is crucial for their well-being. Start by providing a terrarium with dimensions of at least 20 gallons, as these geckos appreciate vertical space for climbing. Use a substrate that retains moisture, such as coconut fiber or sphagnum moss, to maintain humidity levels.

Include plenty of branches, vines, and foliage for your gecko to climb and hide in. Live plants, such as pothos or bromeliads, can also be added to create a naturalistic environment. Ensure that there are multiple hiding spots and a shallow water dish for drinking and soaking. The enclosure should be kept at a temperature range of 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and slightly cooler at night.

3. What should I feed my Flame Crested Gecko?

Flame Crested Geckos are primarily insectivores. Their diet should consist of a variety of gut-loaded insects, such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. These insects should be dusted with a calcium and vitamin supplement before feeding to ensure proper nutrition.

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In addition to insects, you can offer your gecko a commercial crested gecko diet, which is a powdered formula that contains all the essential nutrients. This should be mixed with water to form a paste-like consistency and offered to your gecko every other day. Fresh fruit can also be provided occasionally as a treat.

4. How often should I handle my Flame Crested Gecko?

While Flame Crested Geckos can tolerate handling, they are generally more arboreal and prefer to climb and explore their enclosure. It is recommended to limit handling to a few times a week, allowing your gecko time to adjust to its new environment and feel secure.

When handling your gecko, it is important to be gentle and avoid grasping the tail, as they can drop their tail as a defense mechanism. Always support their body and allow them to move at their own pace. If your gecko shows signs of stress, such as biting or tail twitching, it may be best to give them some time to acclimate before attempting to handle them again.

5. What are some common health issues in Flame Crested Geckos?

Flame Crested Geckos are generally hardy and not prone to many health issues if provided with proper care. However, there are a few conditions to be aware of. Metabolic bone disease can occur if the gecko's diet lacks adequate calcium and vitamin D3. Symptoms include weak bones, deformities, and difficulty climbing.

Another common issue is stuck shed, where the gecko has difficulty shedding its old skin. This can be prevented by maintaining proper humidity levels in the enclosure and providing a moist hide for the gecko to retreat to during shedding. Regular observation and proper husbandry practices can help prevent and address any health concerns in Flame Crested Geckos.

Crested Gecko Morphs Explained!

Final Thoughts

Now that you've learned all about caring for the flame crested gecko, you're well-equipped to provide the best possible care for this stunning color morph. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this care guide, you can ensure that your flame-crested gecko thrives in its habitat and remains healthy and happy.

Remember, the key to successfully caring for a flame crested gecko lies in creating the ideal environment, providing proper nutrition, and offering regular handling and socialization. By mimicking their natural habitat, offering a balanced diet, and giving them plenty of attention, you'll be rewarded with a beautiful and captivating pet that will bring joy to your life.

In conclusion, caring for a flame crested gecko is both a rewarding and fulfilling experience. With their vibrant colors and unique patterns, these geckos truly stand out in the reptile world. By providing them with the love and care they deserve, you'll not only have a stunning pet but also a fascinating companion that will bring you endless joy. So, go ahead and embark on this exciting journey of being a flame-crested gecko owner, and create a thriving and vibrant environment for your scaly friend.

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